Displaying 91 - 120 of 237 in total

Acts 20 - More blessed to give

How did tithe actually work, and can it be more creative?

Ecclesiastes 12 - Fear God

Does believing in resurrection automatically lead to a good way of living?

Acts 19 - But who are you?

Is our doctrinal emphasis more biblical or cultural?

Acts 10 - Made it clean

What if the Spirit guides us beyond our "Biblical" worldview?

Matthew 7 - A house on sand

How does the person of Christ fit with His teachings?

Matthew 22 - Invite everyone you see

There's a tension between discontinuous change and continuous transformation.

Luke 16 - A great chasm

What to do with the Rich Man and Lazarus?

2 Peter 3 - Isn't really being slow

It seems "soon" is ambiguous in God's vocabulary.

Luke 24 - They recognised him

How did Jesus' disciples respond to his resurrection?

Acts 5 - Guilty of this man’s blood

What does Christ's death on the cross mean for us?

1 Kings 17 - Your son is alive!

Resurrections before the cross often involve children.

Job 19 - I will see Him

What is hoped-for in the Old Testament?

Ecclesiastes 12 - While you are young

What if the pondering the state-of-the-living is more valuable than the state-of-the-dead?

Ezekial 28 - You will be no god

Is theology more like an umbrella or a colander?

Ezekial 28 - The day evil was found in you

We consider the origin of evil, and wonder how much can be learnt of this story from old testament metaphor.

Matthew 4 - To be tempted there

Wilderness temptations are a crucible for Christ.

Luke 8 - Don't bother the teacher

We help Cameron write a sermon about responding to people in crucibles.

Matthew 25 - Do not know the hour

Waiting is never easy, but it is often unavoidable.

Ezekial 24 - Heads will remain covered

A rough time for Ezekial has us wondering about meekness in suffering.

2 Chronicles 20 - Praising his majestic holiness

Not every army has an array of singers praising the Lord!

2 Kings 6 - Open his eyes

Elisha's servant got to see chariots of fire, but where does that leave faith?

Jeremiah 36 - Get another scroll

Baruch's scrolls give us an opportunity to explore the idea of hope. The book of Jeremiah has quite a lot to say about how hope (or the lack of it) can impact our e...

Matthew 5 - Gouge it out

How does self-control come into our consideration of life's crucibles?

Job 1 - Blaming God

Job is challenging and perhaps comforting for those in the crucible.

Romans 8 - Shape of our lives

The wonderful theme of "image" turns up Immediately following last week's verse in Romans 8.

Romans 8 - Work together for good

What do we say and do for people who have difficulties in life that challenge faith?

1 Peter 5 - Like a roaring lion

If crucibles can be like a roaring lion, what exactly is a lion like?

Psalm 23 - Your rod and staff

The theme of "crucibles" takes us back to ponder the valley of the shadow of death.