Displaying 121 - 150 of 237 in total

Genesis 38 - She is more righteous

Tamar is yet another somewhat troubling parenthetical side story.

Genesis 30 - Give me children, or I’ll die!

Joseph's story begins a few chapters before his famous childhood dreams.

Genesis 17 - I will bless her

We revisit Sarah to ponder the paucity of particularity in God's plan.

Genesis 34 - You have brought trouble

It seems nobody is particularly good in this troubling story.

Genesis 24 - And he loved her

The story of Rebecca is refreshingly pleasant after the foibles of Abraham.

Genesis 20 - No one reveres God here

Abraham lies about his wife, and fails to recognise that others respect God.

Genesis 13 - After Lot had gone

We come back to Lot and ponder some alternative histories.

Genesis 11 - Come let us build

The Tower of Babel has many echos of the story of Cain.

Genesis 6 - And the Lord was sorry

Our favourite repentance recipes are remarkably absent from Genesis.

Genesis 4 - Some of his crops

Cain causes quite a few interesting things go wrong with the story.

Genesis 3 - I was afraid

The "fall" reminds us that falls are all too common.

Genesis 1 - It was very good!

We explore the importance of stories as we start a quarter on Genesis.

Hebrews 13 - Sacrifices that please God

Powerful ideas continue right up to this last chapter.

Hebrews 12 - You have come to God himself

A comparison with parental discipline is troubling at first, and we find what might be the pinnacle of Hebrews.

Hebrews 11 - It was by faith

The "Heros of Faith" chapter at last!

Hebrews 10 - Acts of love and good works

After many metaphors for Jesus, Hebrews returns to what it means for us here and now: perseverance.

Hebrews 9 - Once for all

The sanctuary is invoked to further expand the revolutionary theme of Hebrews.

Hebrews 8 - The place of honour

In the NLT: "Here is the main point..."

Hebrews 7 - His priesthood lasts forever

Here's the substantial engagement with Melchizedek that we've been waiting for!

Hebrews 6 - Condemn that field

Maturity of understanding Jesus seems to be connected with implementing our faith as love.

Hebrews 5 - He learned obedience

The theme of Jesus as high priest is presented with some intriguing details.

Hebrews 4 - Enter his rest

We rarely pause to recognise that we ourselves might be like those who "failed to enter God's rest".

Hebrews 3 - More glory than Moses

The developing argument moves on to Moses, and we benefit from the previous season's focus on Deuteronomy.

Hebrews 2 - The power of death

We grapple with how the incarnation might have changed God.

Hebrews 1 - Long ago God spoke

We begin a study of Hebrews by wondering how similar we are to the first audience.

Deuteronomy 34 - The Lord burried him

The death (and resurrection) of Moses brings us to the end of Deuteronomy.

Acts 7 - You stiff-necked people

We turn to Stephen's defense in Acts 7 to explore the topic of Deuteronomy in the New Testament.

Deuteronomy 31 - A witness against you

The topic of "Deuteronomy in the later writings" realigns us with the SDA lesson for this week.

Deuteronomy 27 - Proclaim a curse

It's time to focus on the curses in Deuteronomy.