Displaying 211 - 237 of 237 in total

Genesis 1 - Chaos and waste

This new quarter has the theme "Education", and so we're going back-to-school with our podcast. For a fresh perspective on "Education in the Garden of Eden" Cameron ta...

James 1 - Let perseverance finish its work

At the end of a quarter on Witnessing, the lesson "A step in faith" has us turning to James 1 for some wise perspectives.

Jonah 3 - God may yet relent

This week's lesson on "A message worth sharing" is quite focussed on the book of Revelation, and we ponder this topic from the perspective of Jonah 3.

Acts 18 - Even more accurately

Apollos, who taught about Jesus with accuracy but still needed somethings explained more accurately, is an interesting starting point for a conversation about the less...

Daniel 2 - And told his friends

This week's lesson "An Exciting Way to Get Involved" explores small groups, and so we turn to the story of Daniel and his three friends.

John 2 - A whip of cords

In "Developing a Winning Attitude", the lesson this week explores more deeply Jesus’ attitude toward people. It tackles the challenge of speaking the truth in love, wh...

Luke 8 - Go in peace

Jesus healing the bleeding woman and Jairus' daughter is a perfect double story to look at in the context of this week's lesson "Ministering Like Jesus".

Acts 8 - Do you understand what you are reading?

Touching on this week's lesson "Sharing the Word", we start with the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 and end up dwelling on Jesus as The Word.

Numbers 22 - The ability to speak

The lesson this week is called "Unlimited Possibilities", but seems to be about spiritual gifts - and so we turn to the story of Balaam!

Acts 10 - They have received the Holy Spirit just as we did

To explore this week's lesson on "Spirit-empowered witnessing", we turn to the story of Peter baptising the gentile Cornelius and his household.

Luke 11 - Because of your shameless persistence

This week's lesson is "Prayer Power: Interceding for Others", and we explore Jesus' teachings on prayer in Luke 11.

John 4 - Why are you asking me for a drink?

Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 is an excellent story to explore for this week's lesson "Seeing People Through Jesus’ Eyes". [Abrupt endin...

Luke 16 - They won’t be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead

We find a slightly different angle on this week's lesson "The Power of Personal Testimony" by discussing Jesus' parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

Isaiah 49 - A light for the nations

It's the start of a new quarter and we explore this week's Sabbath School lesson "Making Friends for God". Isaiah 49:6 speaks of being a "light for the nations, that m...

Psalm 24 - The King of Glory

Psalm 24 is full of joyful praise, and we find it to have a wonderful kind of timelessness. It seems nearly as applicable to our Christian experience as it was to the ...

Psalms 22 and 23 - Valley of the shadow of death

In this second half of our conversation comparing Psalms 22 and 23 we explore more of the messianic aspects and ponder how these famous passages can apply to our every...

Psalms 22 and 23 - Despised by the people

We're trying something different, and tackling two Psalms at once! Psalm 22 and 23 appear initially to be quite different in tone, but both have been seen as messianic...

Psalm 114 - A people of strange language

Psalm 114 uniquely describes the Exodus as leaving "a people of strange language", and we explore some implications for understanding the bible as history.

Psalm 108 - My heart is steadfast

We enjoy the beginning of this Psalm, but are all slightly troubled by the Old Testament taunts in the middle. After some fruitful discussion we agree that it's more i...

Psalm 104 - How manifold are your works

Psalm 104 is full of echoes of the creation story, and so our meander through the Psalms aligns this week with the Sabbath School lesson.

Psalm 131 - Wait with hope

Psalm 131 is just one verse each for Cameron, Lachlan, and Ken - but there's plenty to discuss. Imagery of God as a mother is explored (a week late for Mother's Day, u...

Psalm 127 - The bread of anxious toil

We take a look at Psalm 127, attributed to Solomon. It turns out to have fascinating relevance for our modern world, and our attempts to summarise end up being longer ...

Psalm 91 - For He will deliver you

Cam, Lachlan, and Ken learn from some listener comments, and explore the almost unbearable positivity of Psalm 91.

Psalm 138 - Give thanks with my whole heart

We discuss Psalm 138, next in sequence from last week but substantially more positive; Cam shares a particularly amusing (and relevant) anecdote about the Disappearing...

Psalm 137 - We sat and wept

We chat about Psalm 137 and its challenging ending invites us to engage a little deeper, helped by some new ideas emailed by listeners.

Psalm 20 - The desires of your heart

Cameron, Lachlan, and Ken are joined by a good friend Luke for this discussion of Psalm 20, and Ken gets to unpack one of his favourite verses (v4).

Psalm 46 - Be still and know that I am God

In this opening episode (audio quality gets better from next episode) Cameron and Lachlan and Ken chat about Psalm 46 and notice a lot of themes relevant to the curren...