Psalm 138 - Give thanks with my whole heart

We discuss Psalm 138, next in sequence from last week but substantially more positive; Cam shares a particularly amusing (and relevant) anecdote about the Disappearing Fire.
We discuss Psalm 138, next in sequence from last week but substantially more positive; Cam shares a particularly amusing (and relevant) anecdote about the Disappearing Fire.

Luke was otherwise occupied this week and so the conversation is between Cameron, Lachlan, and Ken. Psalm 138 was chosen for this week's topic on the basis that it was different from Psalm 137 (last week) and also simply the next in sequence.

For the first time, we conclude with a few questions you might like to respond to:
  • What does this Psalm (especially v7) have to say about experiences of trouble we might live through today?
  • How does one talk to God?
  • Why do our church songs often have such a different tone to the Psalms? What was the purpose of the Psalms?
All questions, remarks, insights, and comments can be sent to and we can share them in the next episode. Also email us if you have a favourite (or most difficult) Psalm that you'd enjoy hearing discussed on Sabbath School from Home.