John 4 - Why are you asking me for a drink?

Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 is an excellent story to explore for this week's lesson "Seeing People Through Jesus’ Eyes". [Abrupt ending is intentional]
Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 is an excellent story to explore for this week's lesson "Seeing People Through Jesus’ Eyes". [Abrupt ending is intentional]

We're delighted to have Clansi join in again this week with some asynchronous comments. In the interests of time, we didn't read the bible passage in full this week. The core of the story that we discuss is John 4:5-26 culminating with Jesus telling the woman that he is the Messiah. Follow the link to review the story if you're not so familiar with it - it is one of the more extensive records of Jesus interacting with a specific person in the Gospels (rather than preaching to crowds).

Send comments and questions to so that we can share them with the broader listening community.